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The Fumagalli Lab is affiliated with the School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences and the Digital Environment Research Institute at Queen Mary University of London. We also enjoy an affiliation with the Alan Turing Institute.

The team is currently comprised of:


We acknowledge many undergraduate, postgraduate, and visiting students who conducted their research projects in our lab at UCL, Imperial College London, and QMUL.

We are actively recruiting new members to join our team to conduct research in genomics, bioinformatics, evolutionary biology, and machine learning. Contact Matteo Fumagalli for any queries.

Prospective PhD students should browse through the available studentships or apply via international calls, which are suitable for applicants from China, Mexico, Colombia, the Commonwealth, Pakistan, Islamic Development Bank countries, Egypt, among other countries.

Prospective postdocs should read available funding opportunities.

We encourage inquiries and applications from historically underrepresented groups in academia and STEM. We nurture an inclusive and supportive environment, where everyone is appreciated and positively contributes to the wellbeing of fellow lab members.

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